Where to refer clients for
information and support
to quit smoking shisha
If your client or community member is ready to give up shisha smoking, there are many services that can support them through the process, from getting started to keeping or getting back on track. Supports are available online from your desktop, mobile phone or downloadable apps, or over the phone.
See details below to explore which services might be best for your client’s individual journey.
iCanQuit Website
This website is a helpful online resource for people at all stages of their journey to giving up smoking.
It provides information about different methods of giving up smoking and what to expect to be prepared for the road ahead. Users can create their own individual quit plan using an online quit smoking tracking tool, and joining the iCanQuit community allows members to share tips, stories and advice with others who are also giving up smoking.
Resources are available in a range of languages including English, Arabic, Chinese and Vietnamese, including a FREE Quit Kit.
ShishaNoThanks Website
This website is dedicated to raising awareness of the harmful effects of shisha smoking. The website shares information and a range of helpful online resources for shisha smokers including answers to frequently asked questions and factsheets with information for community members, young people, pregnant women and health professionals. Resources are available in English and Arabic.
The website also provides links to support services, community events and social media platforms.
Get Healthy NSW Website
This website provides support and motivation for individuals to reach their own healthy lifestyle goals through a range of health information and healthy lifestyle programs.
Users can access a personal health coach over a six month period to set individual goals, provide motivation and support, overcome obstacles, and help track progress.
Reach out Website
This website provides health information specifically for young people and their parents on a broad range of topics including mental health, addiction, alcohol, drugs, smoking and much more.
Here young people can access self-help information, peer support programs and referral tools including help to navigate online support services and useful mobile apps and tools to promote health and wellbeing.
These are some great FREE APPS to download using your smart phone.
My QuitBuddy app
Whether you’re thinking about giving up smoking, working up to your quit date or ready to start now this app can be customised to suit every stage of your journey to giving up smoking. It provides helpful tips and distractions to overcome cravings, tracking systems to chart progress, and helps you stay motivated and keep on track.
This app is hosted by the Australian Government Department of Health.
Quit for You – Quit for Two app
If you are pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant, the Quit for You – Quit for Two app can help you give up smoking by offering support and encouragement through a customised app to suit your needs and quit smoking goal.
This app is hosted by the Australian Government Department of Health.
Some clients may find it helpful to speak to someone over the phone to guide them through their journey.
NSW Quitline
The NSW Quitline is a free and confidential telephone service providing customised help to give up smoking. Trained professional advisors provide telephone support, as well as an online chat service and resources for health professionals. Clients can be referred or they can call themselves on 13 7848 (13 QUIT)
If assistance in a language other than English is required, Multilingual Quitline Advisors are available who can speak Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese) and Vietnamese.
- Arabic Quitline: 1300 7848 03
- Vietnamese Quitline: 1300 7848 65
- Cantonese and Mandarin Quitline: 1300 7848 36
For all other languages, a telephone interpreter service can be arranged.